The Sun is so apparently omnipresent, but yet disappears half the time, it hides behind clouds, and behind the moon and the other planets, sometimes seemingly eclipsed by the Earth, and sometimes puts everything out of sight.
It rules all around it, and everything depends upon it for its sustenance, its warmth!
That does not prevent it being so unpredictable--
It can be soothingly warm and caressing one moment, scorchingly devastating the next, gifting sometimes a delightful suntan, and any further, a horrible sunburn!
Nourisher once, and a destroyer next!
What secrets does it hold in the fires of its being, that make it so volatile, so unnervingly unpredictable?
This poem is an original work of mine and I reserve and retain the right to be identified as the originator of this work. This poem is protected by the copyright laws of India, and shall be not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without my permission.
What secrets does it hold in the fires of its being, that make it so volatile, so unnervingly unpredictable?
This poem is an original work of mine and I reserve and retain the right to be identified as the originator of this work. This poem is protected by the copyright laws of India, and shall be not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without my permission.